Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Saturday - Prague Bound

Last night we ended camp with a disco (dance). Me and the other American guy leaders went to bed early contrary to any rumors of us getting wild on the dance floor. Any photos that may appear of us were clearly Photoshopped as we were sleeping. If any video should surface know that these were Czech actors hired to portray us and you will be able to tell this by their very poor dance moves. This morning we left the camp on buses with the campers and drove to Ostrova. Many of the campers were crying as we parted in the parking. I rode on the bus with a girl named Jana (Hannah). She was 13 and could talk very good English. We talked a lot about the Bible and she said she didn't believe it yet and had many questions. Her parents are shop owners in the city. We went to a small mall for lunch. Half of the group went to McDonalds and the other half went to KFC. It was a very good American meal. We are now on the train to Prague where we will spend the next few days sightseeing.
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