Sunday, July 8, 2007

Mason - Finally

Hello! All I have to say is I miss you all. Thank you for all the support and prays. I've been having a dandy time here with all the Czech kids and leaders. I hope you all don't miss me to much :). Love bunches, Mason
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Device

1 comment:

Ray & Rose said...


I was thrilled to receive your call yesterday when you
told me that you introduced a girl to the Lord - how
exciting is that!!! Just think, God used you to usher
someone He loves into His kingdom - it doesn't get
better than that!! We are all missing you terribly and
can't wait to hear about all the wonderful experiences
and friends you have made in the Czech Republic.
Yes, yes, I will be cooking for you on Sat so get lots
of sleep on the plane. May you all have a wonderful time in Prague and we are praying for a safe return. Blessings and love to all!