Sunday, July 1, 2007

Sunday Evening

We had a busy day getting ready for camp to start tomorrow. Today we prepared our lesson plans, got our classrooms ready and continued to get to know the Czech leaders we are working with. It was interesting to hear some of the older ones talk about the communist era. They told us how Christians were persecuted and about all the difficulties that the Czech people faced. And yet in spite of throwing religion out of the country, many people continued to come to faith. Peter, one of the Czech leaders talked with about how he came to faith. He said he went to church some with his father during the communist era but they had to sneak in and out. What really made a difference in his life was watching one of his fellow students in his high school live out her faith. What he saw in her life made him begin to ask questions about the Christian faith and eventually led him to become a Believer. His story reminded how important it is the we live the message that we preach. What a great privilege it is to be able to share our faith in this country that only 13 years ago was completly closed to the gospel. Tomorrow the students arrive at around 10am. Will update more tomorrow.
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